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Transforming Data Workshop


January 10th saw the start of our partnership work happening around data in Sussex, with the ultimate aim of better data sharing, reducing the need for clients to be retraumatised by having to repeat their story to different services in order to get help.

We held a workshop in Brighton to introduce the aims of the Changing Futures project, talk about how data sharing works at the moment and envision what the future might look like.

The Workshop was facilitated by

Methods, a company who specialise in navigating data sharing in Local Authorities and statutory services.

We were delighted that 15 Partners attended including those from all three Local Authority areas, the Police, Probation Services, Health and the Voluntary Sector.

We shared the real, lived experiences of service users in Sussex from the Lived Experience network. One expert by experience sharing with us their own story of being homeless and hungry and having to tell his story before being offered a hot drink or anything to eat.

We reflected together on the causes, impact and costs of unmet needs in Sussex currently and shared examples of what can be achieved, and has been achieved, elsewhere with regard to the sharing of data.

With careful guidance from Methods, we established perspectives and insight into the problems that need to be addressed and together we drafted thoughts on principles to help move us forward.

Overall it was a really great start to our engagement with this complex area of work.

You can read more about our plans for data transformation and our wider system change goals here.



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