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Co-Production Week 2023


A flurry of links and reports for our last blog of the week!

It’s the last day of Co-production Week today but certainly not the end of our co-production work or sharing what we’re all doing!

We’ve got a couple more amazing examples and interesting resources to share with you today, but we will be continuing to share and promote co-production and involvement work for the rest of the programme – this week was a bit of launchpad for that.

Using co-production to create groups and drop ins for people with serious mental illness who are not accessing services – an fantastic example of co-produced Peer Support – for more information contact West Sussex Mind help point 0300 303 5652. Click the picture below to download the full report...

A short video of an Interview with Louise Patmore, our Systems Change Lead about how co-production fits into Systems Change – see it here We’ll be doing more of these too so if you’d like to be interviewed, let me know and we get it set up!

The quarterly Report from the Hastings Men’s Wellbeing Project – a fantastic project that has been designed, developed and is being delivered co-productively. Find out more here: Hastings and St Leonards Men’s Health and Wellbeing Project | Hastings Voluntary Action

A short PDF about The SCALE Network – the Lived Experience Advisory Group for Mental Health Transformation in West Sussex.

The latest update from the NECG (National Expert Citizens Group) who are the lived experience network for all of the Changing Futures areas, feeding information and learning from our local areas, work and discussions into national policy and bodies. The last quarter the focus has been on dual diagnosis/co-occurring conditions and how services can better support people.

This week has really only been a sample of everything that’s happening in Sussex around co-production so we’ll be continuing to provide regular updates to the network, via email, the NEW Co-production section on our website, our NEW Knowledge Hub, through the Lived experience Network meetings and the NEW Sussex Co-Producing Co-Production discussion forums.

Make sure you continue to be part of the conversation by:



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