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Co-Production Week 2023


Big Sparks Event

Co-Production in the Real World

Making it Happen works with communities to bring people together to make positive change. There are so many examples of the wonderful things that people are doing in their communities. Sharing ideas, making connections, finding the right resources and joining forces with other people, places or organisations can all help turn ideas into a reality.

The Big Sparks event took place in November 2022. It had aims to uncover, showcase and share learning about projects, groups and activities that already exist in neighbourhoods in East Sussex.

The event was planned with representatives from some of the groups which Making it Happen has worked with over the last three years. 49 groups, projects and organisations from across the County contributed to the event on the day.

Contributors hosted conversation tables and workshops, provided entertainment, displays and art exhibits. They ran demonstrations and participative activities. Groups that missed out on contributor space were invited to bring communication materials to share on information tables on the day.

You can read the full report of the day by clicking on the picture below:

Activities were organised into themes relating to people, place, planet, mind, body and spirit.

All you need is an idea and the drive to turn it into reality.

Please do get in touch:



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