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Clarity and complexity: the reality of systems change


Updated: Oct 2, 2024

Sue Goddard, the Programme Support Officer for Changing Futures Sussex recently attended the National Multiple Disadvantage Summit in London. Here are her reflections on the day...

The Abbey Community and Conference Centre in Westminster.


Multiple disadvantage is not an individual problem – it is systemic.


System change refers to altering the underlying structures, processes and relationships that shape a particular system. It is used to address complex societal problems. When applied to the context of multiple disadvantages, system change involves addressing the interconnected systems that contribute to and perpetuate disadvantage. Individuals who experience multiple disadvantages often have challenges in different areas such as, education, employment, housing, healthcare, and social inclusion.


There were so many great speakers and breakout rooms over the course of the day, I could fill a book reporting back on all of them, so I thought I would just comment on the ones that especially resonated with me.

Imandeep Kaur

Immy has focused on convening and building community; the role of citizens in radical systemic change, and how we can create more democratic, distributed, open source social and civic infrastructures. Through this work she has discovered much about economic justice and broader injustices, the pivotal role of land and social/civic infrastructure in neighbourhoods, and the value extracted from communities through our broken investment models. It is an ongoing journey of discovery, emergence and learning together.


Immy is a co-founder and director of CIVIC SQUARE. CIVIC SQUARE is a public square, neighbourhood lab, and a creative participatory platform focused on regenerative civic and social infrastructure within neighbourhoods. Immy is part of a creative and dynamic leadership team who work alongside the local neighbourhood, to offer a bold approach to visioning, building, and investing in civic infrastructure for neighbourhoods of the future.


The Trusted Person Approach

(Changing Futures – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough) talked about the need to reduce the number of times a client tells their story, to ensure that their information reaches the right place. This is an approach developed by people with lived experience where they share their story and needs with a person they know and trust, who is empowered to share that information with the parts of the system that can respond to their presenting needs.


This trusted person believes in two-way respect, focusing on earning it, rather than demanding it because of their position. They are comfortable with working in equal partnership to problem solve.


AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Multiple Disadvantage

This a subject close to my heart as I have enjoyed using AI, mostly outside of work, to help friends with letters, dating profiles and finding out about pretty much anything you ask it (whilst being mindful of its accuracy). Whilst I am a fan, I am also very aware the potential for it to be abused. When you have read this blog, try, and spot which paragraph was written mostly using AI (the answer will be at the end of this blog). In this breakout we discussed the dynamic relationship between generative AI and the public sector, and what the integration process looks like.


Hopes - That Gen AI will improve efficiency around things like wait times and triage into services, and that accessibility and inclusion will be at the heart of technological advances. For example, being able to synthesize vast amounts of information and summarize them for service users (legal documents, jargon, etc.), That frontline staff will have a reduction in admin processes which allows them more time to 'do the hands-on work' that we all entered this sector to do.


Fears: that the fear of AI will mean that our sector could move slowly than others. That discussions about bias and discrimination could grind progress to a halt (as they often do in discussions about GDPR), and that generative AI will be put in place as a quick fix and will not feel like an addition to human-led support services.


A key message that came through was that AI is here to stay, so it is critical that subject matter experts need to research what is happening in their local area already. By staying informed and proactive, we can steer the implementation of AI technologies to a system that upholds our standards and supports our community's needs.


Maff Potts

Maff was one of THE most incredible speakers I have had the privilege of listening to!

Maff went from his own challenges with mental health and homelessness to running the largest homeless provider in the UK. He spent 20 years working and volunteering in the social justice sector, he turned the Millennium Dome into a homeless shelter as head of Crisis at Christmas and even got funding for the electricity needed.


Maff set up Camerados in his bedroom. Camerados believe that the answer to our problems is each other and they can be found setting up Public Living Rooms, places where people going through tough times can get together and have a bit of company, with no outcomes needed and permission to just be a bit rubbish. There are 240 Public Living Rooms worldwide now in libraries, parks, community centres, hospitals wherever the community can find space and a sofa or two. Maff is also a semi-pro Jazz piano player and teaches primary school kids about funk and soul music.


Maff ended his talk with putting the words to Bring Me Sunshine on the screen which we all sang along to (tunefully!) whilst he played his keyboard. The buzz in the room was incredible. (


A Story of Resilience and Poetry
Lady Unchained: a poet, storyteller, and advocate for life after prison

In 2008, at the age of 21, Brenda, known as Lady Unchained found herself facing a prison sentence after defending her sister in a nightclub altercation. During her 11-month incarceration, she discovered a powerful outlet for her experiences: poetry.

Through her vivid verse, Lady Unchained captured the harsh realities of the justice system, racism, and the profound impact of incarceration on her life. Her collection “Wide-awake Poetry, Behind Bars,” offers a raw and honest portrayal of these experiences.

My life ended and began with a prison sentence; those metal doors awoke the faith in me” – Lady Unchained



My biggest take-out from the day was that it is not enough to sort out the obvious challenges such as housing if we do not address social inclusion too, fostering community engagement and participation among individuals with multiple disadvantages, because that is what enables the good changes to continue. Unless there is a community that cares, it can be a struggle to continue improvements.


Answer: the first paragraph was created with help from AI 😉



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