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 Changing Futures in Brighton & Hove 

Holly Croydon

Changing Futures Operations Manager, Brighton & Hove


Welcome! I am Holly Croydon and I am the Operations Manager for the Changing Futures Multi-Disciplinary team working in Brighton and Hove.  The team is based with Adult Social Care at Brighton and Hove City Council.  We have a dedicated team of professionals who are delivering services to our clients with complex needs.  Below you can find details of the team, the work we do and how we are developing our service delivery to meet the needs of our clients within the Changing Futures approach.  Please do get in touch with me if I can help in any way using the contact form below.


Our team encompasses a diverse range of professionals working in a joined up way to meet the needs of our clients. 

Below is an organisational chart of the many roles that make up the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) and the partner organisations that they are employed by.

B&H MDT Org Chart 2025.jpg

Our Partners in the Multi-Disciplinary Team

Click on the logos to visit the websites of our key partners.  Alongside these key partners we work with all agencies that work with people with multiple complex needs across the city. 


If you are working in this arena in the city we would love to hear from you.


The way we work...

We work in a Trauma Informed way, building relationships with our clients to create trust, putting the individual at the centre of their own care and support.  This person-centred approach means that clients are encouraged to set their own goals, and receive the support they need to achieve them from the members of the Team. Members of the team hold small caseloads of 8-10 to enable a more intensive level of support. Research has shown that this way of working enables the best outcomes for those with multiple disadvantage.  All of our work is informed by our Principles of Trauma Informed working, which you can find on our Resources page.  


We are currently working on a Model of Practice for our work, drawing on the Lived experience of our Peer Support Workers, as well as linking in with Common Ambition, our partner organisation in Brighton and Hove that is working to put the voice of Lived Experience at the heart of service development and transformation.


The Changing Futures MDT is part of the Brighton & Hove Multiple Compound Needs Transformation Programme that draws on a wide range of services and system partners to develop the ways of working within the city  with clients with complex needs.


Below are some reflections from our team on the work that we do...

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Things our clients say

about the service...

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